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Bloody Trump
Trump surrounded by Secret Service

Trump’s Near Assassination

There is so much still unfolding and so much that has already been written and said about the events of Saturday evening that we hesitated to publish anything at all at this point. But we feel we have to say something. A few of the things we’ve seen and read stand out and bear emphasizing and repeating:

The Vilification of Trump – While much of the commentary in this regard places blame on the liberal media, we believe there are others equally at fault: certain Democrat and Republican members of the House and Senate, the FBI and Justice Department, and President Biden himself. The constant mindless drumbeat of “threat to democracy”, “existential threat”, and “Hitler-like Dictator”, is as lacking in truth as those who believe these things are lacking in intellect.

The Actions of the Secret Service – There is a LOT the Secret Service must answer for in the pictures and video we’ve all now seen numerous times. First, it is unbelievable that anyone could get within 400 feet of a former President with a loaded rifle in today’s heightened security context. Even more unbelievable is the fact that a person, let alone someone with a rifle, would have unimpeded access to stairs or a ladder allowing them to get up onto a roof top with a clear line of sight to the former President. Once up there, that person then had enough time to set up a position, take aim, and get multiple shots off, all before the Secret Service was able to take any action.

When the federal agents did finally act, it was astonishingly fast. Seemingly too fast. The assassin was down in just over a second after Trump was shot. When an assailant is at close range, you would expect this very quick response as we saw with John Hinckley in the attempt on Ronald Reagan’s life. But Trump’s assailant was well over a football field away on a roof top. He had to have already been in the gun sights of the federal agent who killed him before Trump was shot. This appears evident on video. So why didn’t the federal agent fire at the assassin as soon as he saw him aiming a rifle in the direction of the former President?

FBI Investigation – After the shooting, President Biden made a statement that included these words about the shooter and the FBI: …everyone, everyone, please, don’t make assumptions about his motives or his affiliations. Let the FBI do their job…

The FBI has absolutely zero credibility to perform this task. For the last eight years, the FBI has been focused on one and only one goal as regards Donald Trump – to have him gone from the political scene. It began with the Russia hoax in 2016 entirely orchestrated by the FBI. That was followed by the two year long Mueller investigation (Mueller a former FBI Director) which turned up nothing.

Then came the FBI’s suppression of the existence of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop. When the laptop’s existence was finally confirmed by another source in time to inform the 2020 electorate, the FBI helped fabricate a story that the damning information on the laptop connecting Joe Biden to Hunter Biden’s influence peddling scheme was all fabricated by Russian hackers. They even helped create a letter signed by 51 former Intel officials “confirming” the Russian hacker theory. This, like the earlier Russian hoax, was proven to be a complete and total deception created by the FBI.

Next, the FBI sent an army of armed agents to Trump’s Florida home to search for classified documents. They knew ahead of time Trump wasn’t there and that their dramatic show of heavy force was unnecessary, but they did it anyway. For good measure, they gave a heads up to news media outlets just before the raid so they could have impressive images of their overwhelming force on all the TV networks. Most recently, the judge in this classified document case against Trump halted the proceedings because the “evidence” the FBI seized had been tampered with.

How on earth can the FBI be trusted to conduct a complete and objective investigation of the assassination attempt of the very person they have been trying to get rid of for the last eight years? They can’t. We know it sounds far-fetched, but it wouldn’t surprise us in the least to learn at a future date that the FBI was somehow complicit in this assassination attempt. They know they are going to be greatly “reformed” (the politest way to say it) should Trump be elected President. With Biden self-destructing every day, and taking his party down with him, the FBI can read the writing on the wall and knows Trump is about to become their new boss.

Nothing the FBI concludes from their investigation should be believed. We are already seeing the shape of their likely response – a lone wolf, young white male, with no violent history who magically, without any assistance, was able to get himself into a prime shooting position and fire off multiple shots that missed the kill by only centimeters. No way to question him now about his motive or any help he might have had.

6 Responses

  1. What you have stated is scary but absolutely factual.
    The cleaning up of all, ALL of the government organizations under the executive branch cannot come fast enough – every single one of them are deeply corrupted. Lately, we hear that if AI has a chance to grow it will take on a footprint and behavior we can no longer control, as it tries to protect itself. That same fear has been long known of governments that are allowed to grow. Call it Deep State or whatever, but the bottom line is that the behavior of people is influenced by survival and many people in our government want to protect their livelihoods – and now the ‘Deep State’ (government in simple terms) has the majority of constituents. It is a government within a government that will try to protect its own existence and expand like a cancer.

    Someday, another democracy will be started and hopefully the founders will be smart enough to not only suggest limited government but include immovable tenets, inclusive of a percentage of population the government can never exceed – 25% should never be exceeded. Secondly, include term limits for those in governing bodies – even 10-15 years is manageable. Our founders never imagined that many people would want to work for the government, let alone want to stay – but tidbits became gravy train with many having guaranteed financial and health security – creating a collective power they cannot give up.

    1. Right you are Johnny. It needs to be the 2nd term of Andrew Jackson all over again. A near complete purge of the civilian government work force. One of the main critiques of the left about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 plan is that it recommends reducing the government workforce by as much as 50,000 people. The truth is that 50,000 is way too small a number. Even if you cut the federal government workforce by 500,000 people (10 times what Project 2025 recommends), that represents only 15% of all federal employees. Way too few people are able to grasp the true scale of both government spending and the size of the deep state. Small adjustments won’t help. There needs to be massive change.

  2. Well said, as usual. The secret service delay is what has me intensely suspicious. Now we just wait for their next attempt.
    Slander him, vilify him, impeach him, arrest him, attack with lawfare … nothing is left but … But it’s OK, as every progressive mind was taught, the ends justify the means and he’s a threat to democracy!

    1. Spot on. I’m willing to bet that most of the people shouting the words “democracy” and “existential” when used with “threat” to describe Trump, have no clue what those words actually mean. For example, when the choice of whether or not to get yourself vaccinated for COVID was taken out of your hands and forced upon you by the government (lest you lose your employment), was that democracy in action? Doesn’t sound anything like government “by the people” to me. But wait, that was Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, who mandated the vaccines. On the other hand, it was Donald Trump who championed overturning Roe vs. Wade and returning the choice for abortion laws to the states where the people being governed have a much greater say in the matter. Now that’s democracy in action – except wait, it was Trump, not Biden, on the side of democracy this time.

  3. Very thought provoking article. Thank goodness his is OK, but it was so close and scary! I can only imagine what is going to happen in the weeks to come in the lead up to the election. I just read that Trump’s classified documents case was dismissed by the Judge, as it should have been.

    1. Thanks Carol. It’s amazing how many genuinely momentous events in history are happening right before our eyes. You could write an entire book on what’s happened just in the last 18 days since the debate.

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