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Ruinous Gambits

There is now a pattern in this country where deep-state government personnel, in concert with Democrat politicians and the media, collaborate in creating elaborate fictional scandals to sabotage the president. In the service of this goal, they have abandoned the law, traditions, and moral constraints that have formed boundaries for even the ugliest of past political battles. There has always been invective and slander, but never before have the established (and hallowed) government apparatuses like the FBI, elements of the intelligence community, and the Justice department formed a cabal with a political party (the Democrats in this case) to eject a President. With the media as their cheerleaders and minions, this group has no regard for who they squash along their way.

Their game plan is clever and ruthless – create a story that implicates the President in a wrongdoing where the only evidence is unprovable hearsay. Use willing stooges and the media to heavily bolster the hearsay evidence against the President. Bombard the public with constant daily reporting on the story. Fabricate an atmosphere of historically unprecedented malevolence before our very eyes. Current and former government officials participating in the ruse are given disproportionate airtime and are publicly praised for their high-minded “concern”. When those officials commit what would normally be considered illegal acts of near-treason in carrying out the ploy, they are justified as selfless acts of patriotism intended to save our country. This playbook takes full advantage of the short attention span of many voters, including the younger generation, who only read/hear the headlines. The ruthless part of this method of attack is that it unsparingly destroys the integrity, and in some cases the lives, of many people, some artlessly entangled, others guilty of minor process crimes. What follows are three examples of how this method of attack is being deployed.

Russian Collusion – Believe what you will about the truth or fiction of this story (we believe it to be entirely fiction), this accusation set the precedent for how future ploys would be designed and carried out against President Trump and prominent people in his administration. It followed the playbook described above perfectly and was successfully strung out over nearly three years before it collapsed. In the end, not a single individual was charged with colluding with the Russians to disrupt the 2016 election. In addition to Manafort, Flynn, Page, and Papadopoulos, none of whom were indicted for Russian collusion, the collateral damage extended to Special Council Robert Mueller himself. Given his obvious infirmity, forcing him to testify in front of Congress this past July (by way of subpoena) was humiliating. To the Democrat-led Judiciary and Intelligence committees in the House, Mueller’s cognitive frailty and the public embarrassment he endured because of it mattered not. He was simply a pawn in their chess game.

The Kavanaugh confirmation – This episode compromised the entire confirmation framework for Supreme Court nominees. If there is another opening on the high court while Trump is President, no critique of the nominee could possibly be taken seriously or presumed to have any legitimate basis. The personal destruction of a SCOTUS nominee, by any means necessary, is now the singular focus of the President’s adversaries. This story followed much the same playbook as the Russian collusion story. A splash of unprovable hearsay accusations of a sexual assault (at just the right critical moment in the confirmation process) began the attack. A 24/7 media bombardment followed with graphic descriptions and a fabricated context that painted Judge Kavanaugh as a drunken rapist. From the start, common sense told us this whole story was a complete farce. No new evidence or legal action in the past year has surfaced to change that assessment. Christine Ford was nothing more than a willing stooge. Her only provable claim was that she attended the same high school as Brett Kavanaugh – that’s it. What really got us about this plot was how many US Senators made the conscious decision to go “all-in” with an obvious and amateurish frame-up. In just a few days’ time, all the Democrat Senators on the Judiciary committee gave away much of their integrity for what ended up being a losing gambit. We were particularly surprised at Senator Feinstein’s despicable performance in this fiction. She played the lead role in the hyper-partisan destruction of another human being. At the end of her long and respectable career, she stamped the ugliest of epitaphs on her legacy. Integrity likely didn’t matter too much to those senators who care only about their local constituencies and have no higher aspirations. However, included in that group are two current candidates for President (Harris and Booker).   

Whistleblower – Just as in the Kavanaugh case, the entire value and beneficial aspect of having a whistleblower law has been destroyed. The Democrats have now turned it into a tool for attacking their political opponents. Future whistleblowers will now be immediately suspected of colluding (dare we use that word) with Congress for a political outcome – in this instance to trigger impeachment proceedings. This case began just like the other two. A story was created accusing the President of wrongdoing, namely a quid pro quo agreement with Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son. Initially, the only evidence was unprovable second and third party hearsay from an anonymous whistleblower. However, this time the game plan was disrupted when the President released the actual transcript of his conversation with the Ukrainian leader. With the transcript public, any whistleblower testimony, no matter how well-rehearsed and dramatically presented, was rendered completely moot since the firsthand account was now available. In a laughable display of how dedicated the Trump haters are to sticking with a plan of attack once it starts, they hatched a second whistleblower claiming to have firsthand knowledge of the same Trump/Ukraine conversation. Did they not hear that the actual transcript of this conversation was already public? With the actual transcript in hand, no other accounting of the conversation is relevant. Compared with the Russian collusion and Kavanaugh attacks, this one is weak, awkward to explain, and lacks the villainy of other accusations against Trump. Yet this is the ploy they’ve chosen to use as the basis for impeachment. Even more unbelievably, this plot line forces the discussion of the Biden’s involvement in Ukraine business dealings when Joe Biden was the sitting Vice President. While Biden is proclaiming his innocence, every bit of firsthand evidence implies he is not (there is video of Joe Biden “bragging” about his threat to the Ukrainian government to end prosecution of the energy company his son worked for). The Democrats have now tied their leading Presidential candidate to a scandal of their own making. How does that make any sense at all? We can only conclude they are willing to accept Biden’s “trampling” as collateral damage. And let’s not forget the fate of the whistleblowers in this story. They are being used by the Democrats as patsies, just as Christine Ford was used in the Kavanaugh hearings. Once their names are made public, and they most assuredly will be, their lives will be changed forever, and not for the good. Just more meaningless collateral damage at the hands of the Democrats (primarily Adam Schiff) in their war on Trump.

There are more, but these examples are the most illustrative. Interestingly, the 2020 Presidential candidates have integrated elements of this same game plan into their campaign platforms to justify a lurch toward socialism. For example, they accuse the President of impossible acts like negatively affecting the climate by his inaction and being personally responsible for the hardships of illegal aliens who choose to cross the southern border. A helpful media then saturates the news with videos of climate change protesters (now including children) and staged images of injured and crying people at the Mexican border. Next, they tell us this level of irresponsibility and cruelty is historically unprecedented and that they themselves are the only ones who can patriotically step in and fix things.

We don’t believe any of these far-left candidates have the numbers or a viable plan to change the country into the socialist-style mecca they envision. Even if their numbers do grow, our country’s original governing model is designed to be self-protecting and strongly resists any action to fundamentally change it. This is why the hyper-aggressive Democrat attack plan includes the kind of cowardly plots chronicled above. They believe their only recourse is to “cheat” the system and overrun it.

This needs to be stopped. No mature democratic government should engage in these petty schemes. Elections are an expression of the people’s desire for a particular course of action and a leader capable of carrying it out. If a party loses an election, they must change their platform to make it more appealing to the people, not force-feed the rejected platform down everyone’s throat using devious schemes. The President must vigorously continue purging the government workforce of deep-state actors undermining his policies, particularly those who come right up to the thin line of treason. This is not a time for compromise, it’s a time for uncompromising defeat. And what does the American public think of these ugly machinations? Are a majority taken in by the Democrat scams? We think not. We think that as Trump battles the deep-state to remove bad actors, Americans will assist in delivering uncompromising defeat to the Democrats- by way of the ballot box in 2020.

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