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Hamas Terrorists

Hamas Must be Destroyed

This is the first of a series of shorter articles (less than 1 minute to read) we will periodically publish when a timely news event occurs. The label “Snack Box” will distinguish these from our normal length posts.

The atrocities of the Hamas terrorists against Israel this past week were so revolting and so completely devoid of any respect for human life they are both unthinkable and unforgivable. Most people agree with Israel’s military push to wipe these devolved barbarians off the face of the earth once and for all. This is not a time for compromise, negotiations, or peace talks. In this instance, Hamas must be annihilated, period. It’s not going to be pretty. In the process of hunting down and killing all these savages, a lot of property will be destroyed, and a lot of civilians will die. It’s a price that must be paid to eradicate a faction of pure evil.

Israel must act quickly and silently. The collateral damage from even the most “surgical” plan of attack will be enormous. Among the many evils of Hamas is their practice of using civilians as shields to protect themselves. As time goes on, the near universal public support Israel currently enjoys will begin to wane to a degree. This is normal after the initial shock of the precipitating event subsides. It is also when Israel will need the support of their allies the most.

After 9-11, the US population was fully behind the goal of completely and totally destroying the al-Qaeda terrorist network. That effort ended up taking the better part of 20 years. In Afghanistan alone, more than 46,000 civilians were killed in our quest to root out and eliminate al-Qaeda members and their leadership. Successive US Administrations regularly informed the public whenever a high profile al-Qaeda leader was eliminated. But the details of all the associated collateral damage, human and otherwise, went largely unreported lest it turn the tide of public opinion. Israel needs to follow this same template of both persistence and discretion.

People currently professing support for Hamas are as intellectually deficient as Hamas is inhumane. They either have no knowledge whatsoever of Israeli/Jewish history or have been totally indoctrinated into an alternate reality where Israel is the aggressor and Hamas is the victim (despite Hamas launching 5,000 rockets into Israel without provocation to start this war). Garnering headlines and attention for their fanatical stance and associating with and supporting like-minded radicals is all they care about.

Sometimes it is necessary to utterly obliterate an enemy without hesitation nor with the option for surrender. This is one of those times.

5 Responses

  1. Aye aye!

    Wondering too about the broader geopolitical web here. Hamas is funded and run by Iran, which is skirting sanction by selling oil to China, which has aligned itself with the Palestinians/Hamas. None of these actors are our friends, yet we are buying billions in goods from China and LITERALLY shipping cargo planes full of hundred dollar bills to Iran. When will US leaders wake up to this suicidal approach?

    1. If Iran jumps into this war with Hamas more directly, our US leaders may wake up pretty quickly. Otherwise, we may be forced to wait a year until the election.

  2. On point!
    My biggest concern is with the blind supporters of the anti-Israel protests yesterday. In hundreds of protester interviews, they all completely denied the atrocities committed by Hamas, occurred – saying none of them were true, just Israeli propaganda. That is just complete insanity but where and how are they so organized. I know it’s higher education/social media related but it’s scary.

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