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The Box Travels

Why not just make up a different reality

Alternative Universes Collide

Stories other than COVID-19 are entering the regular news cycle again. Interesting events have occurred recently in the shadow of COVID-19 that are now seeing the light of day. As usual, there are two completely different interpretations of what is transpiring right before our eyes. While there have always been two separate realities reported in the media during the era of Trump, we’ve not seen them drift this far apart before. Even former President Obama has emerged lately to take part in widening the void. Perhaps the big news media outlets have gotten bored with all the single-issue reporting on COVID-19 over the last two months? Or it could be that the nature of most of these recent events have put one group (liberal democrats) on the defensive? Regardless, you can read two distinctly different accounts of most news events today as if they occurred in two completely separate universes. This is a wonderfully convenient way to avoid having to explain bad behavior (e.g. I’m not racist, you are!).

Here are a few significant events that have occurred of late and the two treatments they are receiving in the news media. Since these examples are highly politicized, we’ll use the terms conservative and liberal as the descriptors for each universe.  

Michael Flynn Case:

On May 7th, the Department of Justice dropped its case against General Michael Flynn.¹ This decision occurred as a result of newly released FBI internal memos that provided direct evidence of FBI misconduct in its case against General Flynn. Among other things, the DOJ concluded that the FBI interview of General Flynn was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis”. In the conservative universe, dismissal of this case represented a long overdue vindication of General Flynn and proof of traitorous activity in the leadership of the FBI. Further, President Obama was witting of the improper surveillance2 of General Flynn according to disclosures from a meeting of senior Obama administration officials that took place on January 5, 2017 (just before the illicit Flynn FBI interview on January 24, 2017). Obama, in a carefully veiled way, instructed the FBI on a course of action to oust Flynn. This is the first evidence that directly implicates the former President with the FBI’s actions to entrap Flynn. Judge Emmet Sullivan, the presiding judge in the Flynn case, is further delegitimizing the case and his own validity and motives by ignoring legal precedent and unconstitutionally “inviting” third-party lawyers and judges to argue against the dismissal motion. His actions are in opposition to all involved parties in the case – the prosecution, the defense, and the accused. If it wasn’t already obvious that this case was purely an anti-Trump political hit job, Judge Sullivan has now removed all doubt, and implicated himself in the process.

In the liberal universe, it is the current leadership of the DOJ, not the FBI, that is engaging in traitorous activity. They see the case against Flynn as airtight and more than a legitimate enough reason for beginning the larger investigation seeking evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Further, in dismissing the case against Flynn, they see the DOJ now acting purely as a puppet for President Trump to cover-up his illicit activities. The Attorney General is the villain in this universe and should resign. Judge Emmet Sullivan is acting well within the law by “appointing” a third-party lawyer/judge to argue against the dismissal motion by the DOJ. President Obama is entirely innocent, and the FBI was well within its scope and jurisdiction, in this universe. President Obama himself has now joined the vocal chorus of the media proclaiming the validity of this universe.

Tara Reade:

At first, Ms. Reade’s allegations of sexual misconduct against Joe Biden seemed to have the same kind of questionable validity as those against Justice Kavanaugh. Recently however, four separate individuals have given accounts of contemporaneous verification of Ms. Reade’s claims. In addition, an old Larry King Live TV episode was recently unearthed where Reade’s mother (calling in to the show) makes reference to the incident in question at the time it occurred. This kind of contemporaneous evidence never existed in the Kavanaugh case, making Reade’s claims at least worthy of further investigation. After all, Justice Kavanaugh was not seeking the highest office in the land (Biden is) and was still subject to an FBI investigation for similar but entirely uncorroborated claims of sexual misconduct.  According to the rules of the universe we all experienced during the Kavanaugh case, Biden would be presumed guilty and forced to “prove” with evidence and witnesses that he didn’t do what he’s been accused of. In the alternate universe now being built up around Biden, all that is necessary is for him to proclaim it did not happen. Worse, in the face of numerous video clips showing Biden’s predilection for getting in the personal space of women, his supporters explain this away by claiming he’s always been that way and it’s just the nature of his personality. Apparently, that makes it okay in their universe. As an example, when Nancy Pelosi was asked about the allegations against Biden, she replied by saying “Joe is Joe”. Much worse, the New York Times published a letter from Martin Tolchin (a 40-year veteran of the Times) stating that even if the assault accusations against Biden are true, it doesn’t matter. We would all still be better off with Biden as President instead of Trump.

1619 Project:

Almost a year ago, we wrote about the effort by the New York Times to re-write the early history of America with a series of progressive, politically correct articles asserting that slavery was the motive force behind the founding of our country. We heavily criticized these articles as not only being inaccurate on several well-established facts, but purposely venomous. We put it this way, “Their contextually impoverished conclusions and judgments are being used as weapons to instill racial divisiveness where it hadn’t existed in a generation for many young Americans3. In the nine months that have passed since the 1619 Project was published, a number of prominent historians and historical societies have panned these works as fallacious, deceptive and careless. However, on May 4th, 2020, the 1619 Project was awarded a Pulitzer prize. We suppose that the Pulitzer selection board is proud of their choice. And since the award was not presented in the category of fiction, they clearly think it represents a valid re-framing of our history. That “re-framing” depicts our country’s founding as primarily driven by a continued appetite for African slavery coupled with unmitigated racism up to the present day. This replaces the traditional doctrine that independence from England and religious freedom were the core tenets of our founding. Direct contemporaneous confirmation of that doctrine in the Declaration of Independence is apparently unimportant to either the 1619 Project authors or the Pulitzer committee. Our opinion is that the Pulitzer Prize has now circled the drain and descended into the same politically correct muck where the Nobel Prize currently resides4. Both these formerly prestigious awards now exist in an alternate universe. The absurd attempts to elevate the 1619 Project writings to lofty and authentic works of journalism are only the tip of the iceberg. Far worse is the fact that several major school systems, encompassing 3500 classrooms in the US, have now incorporated this deceit into their history curriculum. To us, this is nothing short of the indoctrination of young minds with politically correct tripe from disaffected influence peddlers who call themselves educators.5 That it comes so easy to these history “teachers” to pollute rather than instruct innocent minds is repulsive to us.


In the last two weeks, a raft of current and former Democrat officials (including Obama, Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer) have loudly opined that COVID-19 would not have gripped the country so strongly (or possibly even at all) had they been in charge instead of President Trump. They all view themselves as having been so extraordinarily prescient back in January that they would have made all the correct preparations to contain and blunt any significant impact from the virus. That includes knowing in advance, before any models were spitting out death or hospitalization predictions, how many ventilators and how much PPE would be necessary in this country. Not a single one of these people say they would have done the one critically important thing President Trump did do in January – shut off travel into the US from China. Their statements are not only silly, but an indication that their reservoir of attacks on President Trump is depleted.

The next iteration of COVID-19 stimulus legislation, crafted by Nancy Pelosi and passed just yesterday by the House of Representatives, contains a slew of long sought socialist style “gifts” disguised as emergency relief. Blue state (Democrat) governors will continue to falsely justify the need for this huge amount of extra money by keeping restrictive stay-at-home orders in place and preventing small businesses from re-opening. This will, in turn, intensify unrest and protests by the citizenry which will then be blamed on Trump by claiming he is “fanning the flames”. In this liberal universe, a vicious circle exists that is clearly advantageous to those keeping it swirling.

All of this is a virtual reality game by the media and many democrats. The belief is that if enough people can be corralled into the liberal universe and made to believe it is real, a condition of misery can be created and continued through to the November election. As the purported cause of this misery, Donald Trump can be defeated. Unfortunately, there are a lot of gullible Americans already living this reality who are unlikely to change. The fact that Democrats and the major media believe they need to go to this extreme to defeat Trump, only serves to demonstrate Trump’s true strength. We have faith that most Americans are not being fooled.

1The full Motion to Dismiss the Flynn case can be read here: https://theboxtravels.org/wp-content/uploads/Documents/Flynn-Motion-to-Dismiss.pdf

2Government surveillance targeting the Russian Ambassador (who may be speaking with General Flynn or anyone else) is within the law. Without a warrant, that same kind of surveillance targeting General Flynn (or any US citizen) is not.

3 Taken from this previous article https://theboxtravels.org/weaponizing-the-sin-of-slavery/.

4The Nobel Prize lost all credibility in 2009 by giving its highest award (the Peace Prize) to Barack Obama after serving only nine months in office. He was nominated for the prize just two weeks after becoming President – an absurdly brief timeframe to have achieved any Nobel-worthy accomplishment.

5The stay-at-home rules in most states for COVID-19 have meant a lot more homeschooling taking place over the last two months. Recently, Harvard Professor Elizabeth Bartholet decried the increase in homeschooling this way – “I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority”. In her twisted alternative universe, parents are the dangerous powerful people that should not be given authority over their own children. In her mind, that authority is somehow more appropriately provided by either the state or elite educators. This is another indication of the tragic state of the education system in the US.

4 Responses

  1. Such a great way to demonstrate the silliness, the stupidity, the brashness of those that want to have our entire country “circle the drain” – an absolutely brilliant descriptor. Bravo (again)

    1. Thanks K. And just today I see that the Dems in Congress have allowed themselves to vote by proxy without having to be physically present in the House chamber. Hackers around the world are salivating…

  2. I often wonder if the polarization of ideals is any different today than in the past. It sure seems that way but is it just that we hear every word of every person in the world instantly and constantly?
    Are the lines of rhetoric that are being crossed in politics really just explaining the minutiae of what people’s thoughts have always been, but were kept hidden or guised with old school politician politeness and decorum – which is all we heard? Younger generation today have no idea what that last comment is.
    Is our justice system and those that are responsible for protecting us more corrupt than ever? It sure seems that way but is it that we hear every little incident and constant updates on minutiae of decisions.
    Are there really any more political leaning folks implementing their personal ideals in our justice system, or is are they being exposed by the ubiquitous information from everyone, including what used to be ‘everyday quiet citizens’, many working within the justice system and empowered by technology -allowing them to cast sunshine inside those always corrupt justice walls? Probably.

    1. I think a lot of what you are asking will be validated (or not) when John Durham’s report is released and what, if any, criminal prosecutions stem from it. Especially after what has been exposed in the last two weeks about the true FBI motives against Flynn, and that Obama and his senior staff were witting of those motives. If Durham produces nothing actionable, because of “old school politician politeness and decorum”, it will have been just as much a waste of time and money as the Mueller investigation.

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