There are two ways to assess the quality and “fit” of Trump’s cabinet picks so far. The first way is to judge each selection based solely on the attributes of the person. This includes their educational background, working experience, leadership ability, communication skills, respectability, etc. In the DEI culture of the Biden/Harris Administration, the additional attributes of gender, race, sexual orientation, and religion are also considered, and are often decisive factors in the selection process. The suitability of the person to the specific needs of the job at the time they are appointed carries almost no weight.
The other way to assess a Cabinet pick is to do the opposite – understand exactly what needs to be accomplished in a particular Cabinet role in the specific context of the moment. Then, and only then, choose a candidate with the attributes and motivation to fit that context.
Joe Biden chose all his cabinet picks exclusively using the first way. Donald Trump is choosing his picks exclusively using the second way. In that light, all of Trump’s picks make perfect sense. Here’s why:
An overarching theme Trump articulated during his campaign was the need to root out and eliminate the entrenched and unaccountable administrative state, otherwise known as the “deep state”. This is a collection of government employees imbedded deeply throughout all departments and agencies whose goal is to subversively carry out a progressive agenda and undermine any conservative leaders who get in their way. Finding and eradicating the deep state will require a soft touch in some Cabinet departments and a bulldozer in others.
Let’s take the currently radioactive example of the Department of Justice –
It is now inarguable that the Justice Department, which includes the FBI, has become the most unscrupulous and debauched government office in US history. It has directly targeted Donald Trump for more than eight years with entirely fabricated conspiracies (e.g. Russia hoax), meritless investigations (e.g. Mueller investigation), frivolous lawsuits, and even an armed raid on his home. They have also constantly harassed, arrested, and at times even jailed political enemies, ranging from Trump rally attendees to concerned parents at schoolboard meetings. The depth of the villainy within the Justice Department (and the FBI) is so great, nothing short of a complete deconstruction and rebuilding is necessary to restore its usefulness and integrity.
The very last thing the Justice Department needs now is a new leader who is a business-as-usual, later in life judge or lawyer chosen for his/her impeccable academic and legal resume and traditional career path and experience. What is needed right now is a fearless and motivated human jackhammer whose sole purpose is to chisel out the rot in the department down to the core. Then, a much smaller Justice Department and FBI must be reconstituted with people of merit in all levels of management who genuinely respect the Constitution and rule of law.
In more normal times, and with a respectable Justice Department being transitioned from one Administration to another, Matt Gaetz might not be the best choice. But in the current context, he is a near perfect fit. He has pit bull doggedness in carrying his point. His agile mind, sharp tongue, and ability to flourish rather than fold when under attack make him ideally suited for the immediate task at hand in the Justice Department. The only other person we can think of with the aggressiveness and determination to do what must be done at the Justice Department is Donald Trump himself.
Trump campaigned heavily on rebuilding a broken Justice Department. The nomination of a person like Matt Gaetz to fix the problem is what voters knew was coming and exactly what they overwhelmingly gave their assent to on election day.
Already, some of the old guard Republican senators have come out against Gaetz. Do they really think if they reject the Gaetz nomination that the next nominee Trump sends up will be totally different and much more to their liking? Have they learned nothing at all about the stick-to-it-iveness of Donald Trump? And without an aggressive take-no-prisoners Attorney General, do they think the Justice Department is just going to fix itself?
We should fully expect the Democrats to employ their favorite smear tactics, not only on Gaetz, but with any other Cabinet nominee they don’t like. Most of these tactics will be sexual in nature, devoid of any proof, and originating from anonymous sources and/or prostitutes looking for a payout. It’s not even a surprise anymore when this happens. It’s the same well-worn playbook we’ve seen before. It almost worked with Justice Brett Kavanaugh so you know they will try it again.
Lastly, don’t believe the threats from Senators, Democrat and Republican alike, that they will vote down the confirmations of Gaetz, Hegseth, Gabbard, and others. It is exceedingly rare for the US Senate to vote down a Cabinet nominee. In fact, it has only occurred 3 times in the last 156 years! The last time was over 35 years ago. More typically, nominees withdraw themselves or their nomination is withdrawn by the President before any vote occurs. Given the current set of nominees and the current President-elect, we doubt any of these nominees will withdraw or be withdrawn.
As Barack Obama famously said in January of 2009, “Elections have consequences”.
2 Responses
Shiver Me Timbers! The literal translation being a ship breaking into pieces, by the force of a strong wave or a cannonball – and Donald Trump is both!
Great article, maybe your best ever – or I am so ecstatic from the Election results & the Cabinet choices of DJT that it’s created a permanent euphoria around me.
Your words are powerful and I can’t think of anything to add, so I’ll just read your words over and over and smile. Trump has earned this and let the first objector face the perils of his wrath!
Bravo to you!
Johnny Justice Freedom
Thank you so much Johnny! It’s becoming more apparent each day that the legitimacy of the accusations against Gaetz have the same exact bogus character as the Christene Blasey Ford accusations against Justice Kavanaugh. If you haven’t read the history of his main accuser, Joel Greenburg, you will be amazed. This guy less than zero credibility and has done the same thing to others.