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Biden - Trump - Harris

A Threat to Democracy

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both stated publicly many times that Donald Trump is a “threat to our democracy”. Is this really true? Do Biden and Harris even know what the word democracy means in the context of the United States?

We think the answer to both those questions is no. Here is the dictionary definition (Merriam Webster) of the word democracy:

government by the people especially, rule of the majority; a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

Let’s compare some of the actions of Biden/Harris with those of Trump and see how they match up with the actual definition of democracy:

COVID Vaccine – Joe Biden mandated, by way of executive order, that large swaths of the American public get vaccinated for COVID or else they would lose their jobs. The people, as in “government by the people”, had no say whatsoever in this decision that directly affected their personal freedom. Not a single citizen voted for these vaccine mandates, nor were they ever told that the president and state governors they voted for possessed a “supreme power” vested in themselves (not the people) to issue such a personally invasive mandate.

Student loans – With a stroke of a pen, Joe Biden decided to spend a half a trillion dollars to forgive a massive number of student loans. This decision came without any vote at all from the Representatives of the people. The US Constitution states that all federal spending will originate in the House of Representatives. That ensures a core tenant of democracy, since all spending would be indirectly approved by the people through their own elected representatives. Biden bypassed this aspect of democracy entirely to pursue his own political goals. The Judicial branch of our government ultimately found Biden’s actions illegal and put a stop to his scheme. Of note, Biden has publicly stated he will defy this judicial mandate, as he castigates the Supreme Court for its ruling.

Primary Election – This past winter and spring, Joe Biden participated in the presidential primary process where citizens voted directly for him to be their candidate for the 2024 general election. This process is one of the core tenants of democracy and was carried out fully and fairly. Then, after the completion of the nationwide primary contest which he won, Biden decided all on his own to subvert the will of those voters by removing himself and inserting a different candidate in his place who received exactly zero votes from the people. While there could be extreme circumstances due to ill health that might legitimately necessitate such a decision, Biden himself proclaimed in a national address from the oval office that no such infirmity exists and that he is perfectly capable of serving out his term as well as another four years. He stated that he simply decided to “pass the torch”. In the process, he completely ignored both the vote and the will of the people. This is the exact opposite of democracy.

Abortion –Before the Roe Vs. Wade decision in 1973, all abortion laws were decided at the state government level. The people in each state either voted directly for/against these laws or did so by way of their state government representatives. This was democracy in its purest form. The Roe vs. Wade case changed all that by removing much of the direct decision-making power exercised by the citizenry at the state level – a decidedly anti-democratic outcome.1 The Dobbs decision in 2022 restored the ability of each state and their citizens to make their own decisions on abortion laws. This marked a return to democracy (government by the people) on the topic of abortion.

Donald Trump strongly supported the Dobbs decision and the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, championing a return to democracy as it related to abortion law. On the other hand, Joe Biden, and especially Kamala Harris, decried the Dobbs decision and to this day are steadfastly preaching a return to the very anti-democratic Roe vs. Wade framework.

Deregulation – under the Obama/Biden Administration, federal agencies were permitted to create tens of thousands of rules and regulations that companies and ordinary citizens must obey. These regulations did not originate in the House of Representatives or the Senate and thus were not, even indirectly, the stated will of the people. Again, a very anti-democratic way of governing. Trump massively deregulated the federal government while he was President. That forced Congress to write laws much more specifically, with input from their constituents, greatly reducing the need for additional “rules” created by unelected officials. This is how democracy is supposed to work.

When Trump left office, the Biden/Harris Administration resumed the anti-democratic practice of extensive rule making and regulations by unaccountable deep state bureaucrats. These unelected actors believe power is vested in themselves rather than “power vested in the people”.

January 6th, 2021 – Joe Biden and Kamala Harris constantly reference this day as the number one reason why Trump is a “threat to democracy” and that “democracy is at stake” in the upcoming election. Sadly, the actual events of this day have been so psychotically distorted by the Biden Administration, the media, and vacuous anti-Trumpers of all political stripes, rational discourse is no longer possible on the subject.

Much worse is the hyper-exaggerated tripe used by the left to describe this day. It became the fallacious basis for the most egregious lawfare attack we have ever seen, not only against Donald Trump, but also against many rally participants wrongfully imprisoned without cause or due process. Biden, Harris and others then point to these contrived legal proceedings and their predetermined outcomes as a validation of the “attack on democracy” narrative.

The greatest tragedy on January 6th, 2021 was the unnecessary death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt who was shot and killed by the Capital police.2 But also on that day, the meaning of the word democracy was appallingly perverted and re-cast into something entirely different from its true meaning. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the main culprits here, with their many minions in the media supporting them.

The reality is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have enacted and supported far more anti-democracy laws/rules/initiatives than anything Donald Trump has done. By contrast, it has been Trump who has championed the restoration of democracy and why he has the massive loyal following he does.

1 In addition to usurping democracy in their decision, the 1973 Supreme Court also violated the most sacred tenant of the Judicial branch of government – they created law instead of interpreting law. The entire “trimester” framework of a pregnancy, as well as the assignment of differing legal restrictions for each trimester, did not exist prior to the Roe vs. Wade opinion. The court erroneously created this framework out of whole cloth all on their own, which for the next 50 years was treated as law.  

2 Contrary to the liberal narrative and incessant inaccuracies of Biden/Harris about January 6th, 2021, Ashli Babbitt was the only person who died as a direct result of the protest that day at the Capital.

One Response

  1. We must get them out for the sake of our constitutional republic and true democracy. She is even worse than Biden was; read her biography, PLEASE.

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