There is a huge effort now underway to undermine the result of the Presidential election this November. As was the case in 2016, events are being set in motion to raise the likelihood of a controversial and untrustworthy election outcome. The entities driving this campaign are the exact same ones who did so in 2016. It’s not the Russians or any other foreign power. It is the US media.
As has been the case throughout our lifetimes, those with far and away the greatest power to influence our elections with misleading or false information are our own news and social media corporations. Their reach into our lives surpasses all other influence peddlers. No other propagandist, foreign or domestic comes remotely close. The media was so effective in the art of deception after the 2016 election, they convinced half the country that Russians had magically entered the minds of just enough voters to turn them into zombie Trump supporters. That, they claimed, was what tipped the election in his favor. They subsequently aggrandized James Comey and the FBI as saviors of our democracy battling a “sleeper” Russian agent fraudulently installed in the Oval Office. Half our population actually believed this drivel simply because they could not fathom that their own country’s press corps could be so united in dishonesty.1
Critical to the news media’s believability is the symbiosis they enjoy with the Democrat Party. That relationship provides “top cover” for the news organizations. In many people’s heads, if a somewhat unbelievable tale printed in the news is then repeated or backed up by a well-known politician, that tale becomes legitimized. Social media, Twitter in particular, acts as an insidiously powerful amplifier of such false realities. That the major news media and politicians, each having reputations to protect, could be simultaneously disingenuous regarding a news report or accusation, is a bridge too far for many Americans. Yes, foreign governments do try to “meddle” in US affairs using social media trickery. However, their efforts are overwhelmed by the power that CEO’s of social media and major news corporations can currently bring to bear. And most of those CEO’s made it crystal clear this summer that they fully support the liberal ideology.²
In this context, take a look at how the Democrat/Media cabal has recently been characterizing the upcoming election. The narrative has shifted away from Joe Biden riding his lopsided lead in the polls to an easy and expected victory in November. Instead, the focus is now on convincing the public that there is a conspiracy by Trump to “steal” an otherwise obvious and assured win by Biden. They are trying to persuade us that because of Trump’s treachery, and nothing else, there is a realistic chance Biden could lose the election. Therefore, according to the Dem/Media duo we should begin preparing our brains for the greatest travesty of justice in American history – again.
As we mentioned in a previous post, we believe the Democrats and the media know Biden cannot win on merit and may lose big. Therefore, their next best play is to discredit the election process and once again attempt to delegitimize President Trump. That way, all governance decisions he makes will be tainted with illegitimacy, and his patriotism can be vigorously challenged. At a macro level, this is the same exact play used in 2016. The only thing needed this time around is a different election “crisis” to carry out the ruse. Instead of evoking a Russian Boogieman operating in the shadows, today it is COVID-19 forcing an unmanageable increase in mail-in voting thus increasing the specter of those votes not being counted properly. The media is also desperately trying to convince us the President will not concede a potential loss, evoking horrifying scenarios involving military intervention – either to extract Trump from the White House in one scenario, or to guard him from being forcefully removed in another.
Just like in 2016, the primary goal of all this is to cast doubt on the integrity of our election process. The path to that goal will not involve any large-scale cheating in the election. Every state has its own kind of voting machines, counting machines, ID requirements, early voting protocols, absentee protocols, etc. That variation across the country makes it enormously difficult to cheat on a nationwide scale. Add in the complexity of the electoral college and the fact that there will be massive oversight and scrutiny from both sides at every phase of the process, and any kind of scam has little chance of making a difference nationwide. The real objective is much simpler – sow nationwide fear and consternation.
This might seem a weak goal, with no tangible objective or identifiable end point. However, there is an aspect to this tactic for which there is no defense. It is the unpredictable nature of human behavior that always arises when there is confusion, uncertainty, and doubt. Such national turbulence could evoke reactions such as acts of intimidation at voting precincts, “faithless” electoral college electors defying voters in their state, recount lawsuits being granted or denied by partisan judges, politicians wildly “misspeaking” in the heat of anger, etc. The odds of one or more of these scenarios playing out increase greatly amidst this kind of deliberately created alarm. It can’t be known in advance which of these, if any, might occur since their random nature is just too great. Therein lies the genius, and the risk, of this plan. The perpetrators of the turmoil have no advance knowledge of what opportunities for political gain may present themselves. Thus, how could their opponents possibly know what to defend against? Of course, if/when such an opportunistic circumstance does reveal itself, it must be exploited with lightning speed and conviction as if there was brilliant foreknowledge of its occurrence.
How does one create the kind of volatile uncertainty which will give birth to unforeseen reactions the Democrat/Media cabal can take advantage of? The first step is for the cabal to pre-condition as many brains as possible to be receptive to these events. They are doing this as we write. It begins with subtle language inserted into every news story affirming there is no universe in which enough clear thinking and reasoned voters could possibly want Trump to be our President. Second, they are pounding home the false narrative that Trump has transformed traditional conservatism into a white supremacist cult embodying the evils of fascism. This drumbeat continues day-in and day-out in the information streams emanating from the likes of the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN. They constantly trumpet that if vote totals in the upcoming election come out in Trump’s favor once again, it has to be by way of voter suppression, disenfranchisement, or flat out cheating. That Biden is a terrible candidate, or that his party’s platform is far out of touch with a broad spectrum of voters across the country, is never accepted by the media as a possibility.
Sowing confusion and doubt this way is a powerful weapon, but its success is far from assured. Many voters have an unshakeable awareness in their gut that a ruse is happening right now in real time. This was not the case in 2016. The left’s disinformation campaigns that fed the Russian collusion case, the absurd sexual accusations against Judge Kavanaugh, and the farcical Impeachment trial all followed the same blueprint. The present campaign to discredit the 2020 election is right out of that same playbook. Many will find it familiar, and discount it. To try and counter that skepticism, the current ruse is intentionally being made to be more personally frightening and less abstract. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that we see continued hyperbole about the terrors of COVID-19 and the acquiescence of Democrat Governors and Mayors to deadly violence in their cities. These things are either being falsely exaggerated (COVID) or shamefully encouraged (violent protests) to force a greater number of people to vote by mail. A false choice is being set up for voters to either brave violence and disease going to a polling place, or to mail-in their vote; thus risking its loss via an overburdened postal service. Interestingly, with the exception of the elderly and voters with high risk health problems, the ideological constituency most likely to choose mail-in voting are liberals (primarily due to their far greater instilled fear of COVID-19 relative to conservative voters). The dripping irony here is that the very group (liberals) making a claim of voter disenfranchisement are the ones placing their own party faithful in a position to be disenfranchised.
The hope of the Democrats, despite their feigned concern, is that the postal service will be overwhelmed, and that mail-in ballot counting will cause a big delay. That’s how chaos is inserted into the election process and the hazard of some votes not being counted is introduced. That they would want this shouldn’t surprise anyone since the Democrats and the media have already demonstrated they will go to any despicable length to achieve a political goal (Kavanaugh hearings, Russian collusion, baseless impeachment…)
In this context, we believe it is absolutely critical that President Trump continue to show strength by speaking out against violent protests, holding more large rallies with attendees displaying a cautious but confident posture towards COVID-19, and encourage in-person voting. An overwhelming electoral college victory for Trump on election night will instantly snuff out the Democrat plan of turmoil, anxiety and delayed election result. Democrats would still raise a ruckus like the sore losers they are, but their posture will be undermined by Biden’s unambiguous election loss. The conversation can then turn to Trump completing the agenda he set out in 2016 and expanding on the numerous successes he has already achieved. That agenda, and his uncanny continuing ability to execute it despite enormous resistance, is the one and only reason he is President.
1 In a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted March 25-26, 2019, after the Mueller investigation had concluded, 48% of Americans still believed Donald Trump worked with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
² As an example, this summer the CEO of Twitter (Jack Dorsey) sanctioned the practice of “fact checking” tweets made by the President. In doing so, the company crossed the threshold from being a disinterested social media service to being a publisher of its own content. The “corrective” statements the company adds to tweets it deems inaccurate have a clear and obvious liberal bias.